What are friends for and how can a friendship be tested? By behaving altruistically, would be the most common answer and by sacrificing one’s interests in favour of one’s friends. Friendship implies the converse of egoism, both psychologically and ethically. But then we say that the dog is “man’s best friend”. After all, it is […]
Come Together During Old Friends, New Friends Week
How long has it been since you’ve seen your old friends? Have you kept in touch with the people who always brought a smile to your face? Or have your cherished friendships slowly faded away? What about your new friends? Are you spending time together and building strong relationships? Or are your new friendships in […]
Wisdom Principle – Choosing The Right Kind Of Friends
Friendships matter. Who you decide to make your close friends and confidants can affect your life, positively or negatively. How they affect and influence your life will be based upon and determined by the kind of character your friends have. In order to advance in life, you must choose your friendships wisely, so that your […]
True Friends Are Important To Your Health and Wellness
Many times I have been asked by you as to what is my definition of friendship. I have generally responded by saying something like “it is someone you can count on”. Well over the last couple years I have taken my share of hard knocks and some of those friends that I thought I could […]