Human beings are social animals. Most of us crave the comfort and warmth of sharing life experiences and love with others. Most of us crave the intimacy of a love relationship, with shared hopes, dreams, and adventures of life. We want deep and loving relationships, and they are a lot of hard work to make […]
Let’s Invest in Our Relationship
Certain times of year can be problematical for marriages. Divorce lawyers report that post-Christmas and post-holidays are their busiest times of the year, after the relationship stress of couples spending significantly more time together than they typically would. Let’s look at some ways to turn potentially fraught times around and invest in your relationship. – […]
Safeguarding Your Well-Being In Relationship Difficulties
Relationships can be crucial to one’s health and survival. An almost 80-year old research study, the ‘Harvard Study of Adult Development’, has been dedicated to understanding what determines the health of an adult – tending to relationships forms an integral part of self-care. It is natural for one to face challenges while maintaining and tending […]
Love Is Not Everything In A Relationship
There is nothing quite as electrifying and satisfying as falling in love especially when you’ve found a partner to spend your life with. But what happens when you start to realize that this man or woman might cause you more sufferings than satisfaction? You’ve already let yourself get so invested that you even enter the […]
How A Man Shows His Love
Did you know that a man may be better at showing his love than at talking about it? Can you identify the ways that your man shows he loves you, or do you find his actions confusing? Do you believe that actions speak louder than words when it comes to expressing love? Every woman needs […]
The Pisces Goddess Transmits Nurturing Love to You
It’s fabulous to be elevated to a Goddess, the most loving aspect of myself. Love, I know well, as it’s one of the two prevalent energies that I embody and transmit to you, especially when it’s my time on the Zodiac Stage. There’s a big shift going on inside of me though with regard to […]
How Love Should Operate
The greatest of all emotions is Love. We know we love,however; whom and what we love is subject to how we love ourselves. It is a conditional love, it shifts, it changes, it grows, it diminishes. The love we feel is based on who and what the person and thing means to us. It is […]
Self Love and the Art of Loving Another
I recently posted something on twitter to the effect of, you can’t actually fully love another, until you fully love yourself. I preach that gospel a lot. I’m sure you’ve all heard it. However, for some reason this post set one of my followers off to such a degree that I got several direct messages, […]
How to Have Success With Your Online Dating Efforts
If you haven’t tried online dating yet then now is the perfect time to start. If you’ve heard the craze about online dating but are still not sure if it’s for you, then this article will help to clear up the confusion and show you why online dating is something that you should seriously consider. […]
How to Recognize an Online Dating Fraud
With the Internet becoming more feasible to use and being the practical option to many other services, more and more people are using it for various activities – right from buying groceries to looking for soulmates. However, all is not well with the Digital sunrise, because some unscrupulous and dishonest characters try time and again […]